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Susan Lindgren's 24 hour attendance line: 952-928-6693

Attendance reminders:

1.   Call to report your student's absence or tardy (within 24 hours)

2.   State the following information:
      a.   Student's first and last name 
      b.   Classroom teacher's name
      c.   Your phone number 
      d.   Reason for absence (illness, appointment, family emergency, etc.) 

3.   Provide details for reason of absence
      a.   Illness - specify symptoms (fever, cough, vomiting, etc.) 
      b.   Appointment - specify type of appointment (doctor, dentist, therapist, etc.)
      c.   Family trip - specify dates the student will be absent
      d.   Family emergency
      e.   Other 

Please note that absences or tardies that are not called in within 24 hours will be marked as unexcused. Thank you for your dedication to having your child(ren) at school each day and on time! Good attendance increase school success and helps start each day on a positive note.